Shadow is a three-wheel hybrid motorcycle concept designed for a Lunar surface that could be used for traveling longer distances on the moon in minimum time.
The Background
When ISRO Chandrayaan 3 was about to be launched, a thought had come to my mind. What if there will be a bike on the moon rather than a rover?
We can travel faster. Imagine an astronaut riding a motorcycle on the moon, that would be the coolest idea. In research, it was found that it was already tried out during the 1969 Apollo lunar mission. A motorcycle designed specifically for the mission almost reached the moon but the plan was scrapped.

How It Works
The Shadow is a Three-wheel hybrid motorcycle designed for racing and easy transportation on the moon. Futuristically, if we use the moon for living, motorcycles like Shadow will be an easy and faster means to travel longer distances. The design of Shadow is mainly for easy transportation on the moon and also can be used for racing.
It will be useful for scientists to study the moon surfer and travel from one station to another can carry their equipment and oxygen supply.
The shadow drone can fly ahead and scan the area. It will send a surface 3D scan to Shadow Motorcycle so the bike’s AI can analyze the best possible root for the rider.
Considering the low gravity of the moon, the vehicle speed will be faster. The topography of the moon suggests the presence of craters and The surface is covered in a fine “dust”
This motorcycle will have three wheels for better balance and a gyroscope so it can withstand low gravity and not tumble and fall.

The motorcycle will be electric and can be charged by solar energy. There will be solar power stations on the moon so that they can charge the vehicle. The disassembled body can be sent from Earth and rider can assemble the body part there on the moon as per requirement. It’s compact in design smaller than 4-wheel Luner vehicles and can carry 200kg of load.
As mentioned previously, the low gravity will help to increase the speed of the vehicle so it will be super fast but also it will maintain the threshold of the maximum speed of the vehicle can be safe for the rider. the tires will have a proper grip. The two front wheels will be able to move at a vertical angle (up and down). This will help in maneuvering the vehicle so it can move up and down the surface and on the undulated surface of the moon. The back wheel can move angularly horizontally,
The vehicle is the imagination and possibility of the future which may work with existing technologies. There is always the possibility of changes in design and technology. We just hope for the future and imagine people riding and enjoying their Shadow bike ride on the lunar surface.
Market Potential
SpaceX has outlined its plans for a city on Mars by 2050 and companies like ISpace working on moon colonization. Suzuki is one of the big companies that has shelled out finances for its moon colonization plan. Vehicle-like shadow will create an impact on moon transportation.